2 Rachel Drive, Bozrah, CT 06334
(860) 889-4442
125 gallons
* Prices valid during business hours.
Certified in

60 gallons
call for pricing
Home Heating Oil
About Us
Explore your oil company options – there is another choice…a better choice for ALL your energy needs. Let us welcome you to our family owned and operated business. Here at Brunelli Energy we want to bring the basics back to pricing and service and will do so, one home at a time.
Serving many towns in Connecticut, we’re a licensed and insured FULL service company that can save you money and time. Brunelli Energy can deliver your oil, install and service your system, and we even do plumbing!
Don’t be left in the cold, we’re here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with our emergency burner service. We also discount for senior citizens, volume oil orders and neighborhood group rates.
In the Community
Although Brunelli Energy is a small business, we firmly believe in community involvement and giving back.
We are members of the following organizations:
The Greater Norwich Area Chamber of Commerce
Colchester Business Association
Sponsorship and Charitable Giving:
Bozrah Little League Sponsorship
Fields Memorial School - Benefit Graduating Class
Franklin Elementary School - Silent Auction School
Lyman Memorial - Benefiting Graduating Class
Gales Ferry/Julie W. Long School PTO - Triva Date
Event Participation:
Bozrah Memorial Day Parade
Bozrah Farmer's Market
Winterfest Parade - Norwich